

Consider starting a writing club. Invite a few kids over to write together once a week. Let one child start the story, and ask the next child to add or change the direction of the story line. One mom filled a small bag with unusual objects – an old pair of eyeglasses, a tattered teddy bear, and a whistle. The kids wrote a story that included all the objects. The results were amazing!


Parent as Teacher

If you’re still not convinced that you are qualified to teach your kids, read what Gatto – after 26 award-winning years of teaching – has to say about teacher qualifications: “That certified teaching experts like myself are deemed necessary to make learning happen is a fraud and a scam. Trust in families and neighborhoods and individuals to make sense of the important question, ‘What is education for?’ It is illegitimate to have an expert answer that question for you.” Sounds a lot like homeschooling to me.