While some teens may think vaping is better than smoking marijuana, there are still risks associated with it. Experts explain why vaping can be dangerous for anyone—especially teens—and how parents can talk to their children about it.

The Dangers of Cannabis Vaping

As the popularity of vaping increases, teens seem to feel more and more comfortable giving this addictive habit a go. It’s easy to assume that vaping, since it’s an “alternative” to traditional smoking, isn’t as dangerous. That’s not the case. Carmen Lim, PhD candidate, faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciences at the University of Queensland and an author of this study, says they didn’t find any estimates outside the States and Canada. This, combined with the lack of a full data set for all of the years, were two of the main study limitations. However, the team gathered sufficient data by reaching out to the individual study authors. Lim added that now that the team has seen how much of an increase there has been in vaping, they plan to look into a more specific breakdown of who is vaping (ethnicity, geography, socioeconomic status, etc.), and the risks involved. As with any smoke inhalation, cannabis vaping is negative effects on the lungs. One recent study went as far as to claim that vaping cannabis may be more harmful to the lungs than nicotine inhalation. Vaping can lead to lung issues like incessant coughing, asthma, and further lung injury, though the research doesn’t state the extent that it could lead to. Pediatrician David Shafran, MD, head of pediatrics at K Health, points out that vape pens or e-cigarettes tend to be less regulated, which means there is less knowledge about the potential dangers of vaping. A 2020 study in Oxford Academic’s Paediatrics & Child Health reports that using high-potency concentrates (in other words, what’s found in vape pens), is correlated with a higher rate of mental and physical health issues. Some more drastic effects include paranoia, severe vomiting, and psychosis. “Long-term consequences in terms of carcinogenic potential and cardiovascular outcomes are still largely unknown but are believed to be less than traditional smoking,” Dr. Shafran says. He also notes that the heating mechanism in the devices can be a risk for burns, further adding to why teens should avoid vape pens.

Vaping Can Be Addictive

In addition to the negative physical and mental effects of vaping, it can also become addicting. “[Vaping cannabis products] raises several potential problems. Not only it is linked to poorer cognitive development in adolescents, but it could also increase the risk of dependence, other substance use, and many other health, social, and behavioural problems later in life,” Lim says. Teens may have more difficulty focusing in school or become dependent on cannabis, which can act as a gateway drug to stronger products. Starting to vape cannabis as a teenager can be addicting and lead them down the path of nicotine addiction. E-cigarettes can easily be swapped from cannabis to nicotine, and nicotine introduces a whole new group of toxins into the body. Nicotine is also another incredibly addictive drug that you want your teens to avoid. “Because nicotine is an addictive substance, it can and has been found to be a gateway to traditional cigarette use, the long-term effects of which are studied and known quite well,” Dr. Shafran says. Vape pens may seem cool to teens because of how easy they are to use, but they’re still a dangerous entryway into addiction. The physical effects on the lungs from vaporized cannabis is the most pronounced danger of using vape pens, according to experts, which is why parents should be ready to intervene if their teens have shown an interest in vaping.

How to Talk to Teens About Vaping

It’s important for parents to have open lines of communication with their teens, especially if vaping is a habit they’re starting to pick up. Dr. Shafran recommends not to bombard teens with what he calls a “preachy” tone but instead to bring up the topic as needed. “The best way to approach teenagers is never by making a speech,” he says. “It’s better to have the conversation in bits and pieces, ideally within a relevant context like seeing someone vaping or seeing an advertisement about it.” Lim seconded the necessity for parents to have a discussion with their children if they start to use e-cigarettes, emphasizing the possibility of addiction that could lead to health problems. Parents can also reach out to their child’s healthcare provider if the concern becomes too much to handle. They will have ample facts about the risks of cannabis vaping that they can share. They can also guide parents toward helping their teens knock the habit. Dr. Shafran encouraged parents to reach out for medical help as soon as it becomes a concern and to also make sure they’re setting the right example at home. “If you yourself are a smoker, stop. Lead by example,” he says.