Make a river of red or a swirl of blue. Your kids can create their own unique paintings without even picking up a paintbrush! Materials needed:· Paper· Straws· Water color or tempera paints· Crayons or markers (optional)

What to do: Step One: If your child is younger than five years old, ask her to practice blowing with the straws first. Step Two: Add water to the paints to make them runny. Place large drops of paint on your child’s paper. Step Three: When your child now blows at the drops through the straw, the paint will run and make lovely rivers of color. Step Four: Your child can repeat Steps 2 and 3 as many times as she likes. Then she can color the pictures with crayons or markers to add different textures. Step Five: Add your child’s name to the bottom of the picture and hang her painting prominently!