Leonardo da Vinci Italian painter, sculptor, architect, musician, engineer, and scientist. Renaissance Man. Did you know he had a learning disability? Admiral Peary American arctic explorer and naval officer. He had a communicative disorder. Vincent Van Gogh Post-impressionist painter, originally from the Netherlands. Van Gogh had epilepsy and struggled with mental illness, including depression and dementia. Marc Chagall Russian Cubist and Expressionist painter. He had a communicative disorder. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec French painter and lithographer. Lautrec fell and broke both legs when he was a child and his growth was permanently stunted. What do your kids think? Ask your kids if they can think of any famous people who have high spatial intelligence. Start them off with a few familiar names:

Source: Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom by Thomas Armstrong (ASCD 1994)