According to the American Pregnancy Association, you may have an increased risk of another pregnancy loss if your body isn’t ready to support a pregnancy yet. Both the uterus and the endometrial lining need time to recover and restrengthen. Many doctors recommend that women wait two or three months to conceive again after a miscarriage. This is so they can recover physically and emotionally from their loss. Some doctors may recommend waiting even longer if the couple needs more time to heal. As you decide if and when to try to get pregnant again, remember that the odds are good that this time it will be successful. Most women — 85 percent — will have a successful pregnancy the next time they get pregnant after their first miscarriage. If you’ve miscarried two or three times, you have a 75 percent chance that your next pregnancy will be successful. The following are good options for short-term contraception if you wish to wait for three or fewer menstrual cycles before conceiving again.  If you will be waiting more than three months and don’t want to risk an earlier pregnancy, discuss your options with your doctor.