In addition to having a different name, it is made with a different mix of milk proteins. Instead of the 100% whey “comfort proteins” found in Good Start Supreme, NAN is made with a combination of whey and casein milk proteins. It is basically the same as the older Good Start Essentials line of baby formula made by Nestle.


NAN is also available in the United States and is sold in many grocery stores in areas where there is a large Hispanic population because they are likely to be familiar with this product. If you cannot find it in a store near where you live, you could buy it online at a site such as, or consider asking your local grocery store to order it for you.


Instead of trying to find NAN baby formula, you may want to feed your baby with a more readily available standard formula such as Enfamil or Nestle Good Start Essentials.

Choosing an Infant Formula

If you are wondering how to choose the right baby formula, it can be confusing. There are so many different brands! How can you know which is best for your baby? Certainly, there are differences between these different brands, as can be gathered by all of the marketing, but it may give you some comfort to know that all baby formulas must meet certain standards.


Finding the right formula for your baby helps them to get the best start in life. However, it’s also important to keep safety in mind as well. Knowing how to properly warm up formula also is important no matter which formula brand you choose.  Avoid using a microwave to heat your child’s formula as this can result in uneven heating that can potentially burn your baby. Even with vigorous shaking, pockets of overheated liquid could remain which could scald your baby’s sensitive mouth. While the research is still being done, it’s thought that BPA in baby bottles could get into the formula and may result in behavioral changes in children and early onset puberty in girls. On a final safety note, keep in mind that babies less than 12 months old should not have honey. Due to the immature intestines of babies, the spores in honey could result in botulism in these young children. Watch for hidden sources of honey as well, as might be found in honey graham crackers, honey nut cheerios, and honey wheat bread.

Common Feeding Problems

Every baby is different, including the way they eat. Even if you have several children you may notice that you face different challenges with each one. Check out these tips on coping with most common bottle feeding problems so that you’ll have some ideas when you see them. Feeding problems, particularly if they are related to episodes of fussiness or irritability, are among the most frustrating problems faced by parents of infants. While it may seem like no matter what you do, your child continues to be fussy and irritable, there are a number of things you can try, from selecting a ​hypoallergenic formula to trying various medications.

A Word From Verywell

If you are currently feeding your baby infant formula, you may be wondering, “when can you switch to whole milk?” There are some general guidelines on making the switch, but because each child is unique, it can be helpful to talk to your pediatrician to see what they recommend for your child.