If you’re making over your child’s bedroom to welcome them to the world of big kid sleep, here’s what you need to know about pillows for toddlers, from whether or not they’re really necessary to how you can shop for the best one for your child.

Does Your Toddler Need a Pillow?

According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), parents can usually introduce a pillow to their child’s bed around 18 months of age. Before that, soft surfaces and overcrowding within a child’s sleep environment can increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

When an infant under one year of age dies unexpectedly without a clear cause, it’s known as sudden infant death syndrome, or SIDS. Most cases happen during sleep, so while experts don’t know exactly why it happens, an unsafe sleep environment is often assumed to have been a contributing factor. Babies are at a higher risk of SIDS if they:

After 18 Months

But just because you can introduce a pillow when your child is 18 months doesn’t mean you need to. Many toddlers sleep just fine without one, and if your child seems comfortable at night there’s no reason to force them to use a pillow. It may seem odd to us as adults, but remember that your child has never slept with a pillow in their life, so they don’t know they’re missing out on anything! That said, if your two- or three-year-old is having trouble getting comfortable in their bed, complaining of aches and pains in the morning, or is frequently sleeping with their head on a rolled-up blanket or large stuffed animal, those are signs that you might want to try offering a pillow.

What About Safety?

Even though most children over two are capable of sleeping with a pillow without the risk of suffocation, that doesn’t mean you should throw just any adult-size pillow in their toddler bed. There are still safety concerns to keep in mind.

If a pillow is too tall or thick, it could cause neck strain for your child. If a pillow is way too fluffy, it could make it more difficult for your child to breathe comfortably in bed. Children with allergies may have increased symptoms when using a pillow to sleep.  Some pillows are made with unsafe materials, like small pellets, that could pose a choking hazard if the pillow were to become damaged and start leaking.

Remember that all children develop differently, so while one toddler may be able to safely use a pillow, another may not quite be ready.

Safe Sleep for Toddlers

In addition to making sure you’re buying a safe pillow for your toddler, there are other safety precautions you should take when moving your child from a crib to a bed:

Secure standing furniture to the wall with safety straps, so little climbers can’t tip taller pieces down onto themselves.Check for dangling cords from window treatments or loose wires attached to electronics (both are strangulation hazards). While you’re at it, make sure your outlets have been childproofed.Consider adding a removable railing to your child’s new bed if they could get hurt tumbling out at night. This may not be an issue with toddler beds, which aren’t typically high off the floor, but a standard twin bed may need some extra protection.

What to Look for When Shopping

Before you go shopping (in person or online) it helps to know what things to look for before purchasing a pillow for your toddler. Keep in mind:

The Best Pillows for Toddlers

If you need even more help buying a pillow for your child, check out the options below. They are all the correct size for toddlers and filled with kid-safe materials. A few are hypoallergenic, while others provide just the right amount of support for growing bodies.  There was an error. Please try again.